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What is BioMonitor4CAP about?


The BioMonitor4CAP project will design simple and advanced biodiversity monitoring systems to measure biodiversity in the fields.

Indicator systems

Therefore it will combine classical biodiversity indicator systems with new technological approaches.

Main goal

The main goal is to provide knowledge, methods and tools to farmers and the interested public for boosting the transformation of agricultural systems.

The partners

The project involves 23 partners in 10 European countries and Peru.


BioMonitor4CAP will last 48 months from 1st December 2022 to 30th November 2026.

Get in touch

Apply for our Newsletter or contact Communication Manager Stephanie Timm here:



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grand agreement No. 101081964.

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The team

The BioMonitor4CAP project works with a multi-disciplinary team consisting of ecologists, agronomists, ornithologists, entomologists, soil scientists, biochemists, geo-spatial data experts, acoustic data experts, data scientists, social scientist and economists, and conservationists.

Read more about the team